Full Name
Heidi Flagg, MD
Speaker Bio
Dr. Heidi Snyder Flagg moved to New York City in 1999 after completing her Ob/Gyn residency at Brown University Woman and infants Hospital. Raised in Winfield, Kansas, Dr. Flagg is a fourth generation physician and the first woman in her family to get her MD.

Dr. Flagg, alongside Dr. Brina Maldonado, cofounded Spring Ob/Gyn in 2002.

Living and working in the area hardest hit by Hurricane Sandy, Dr. Flagg was on call the night of the storm. She delivered a baby in the midst of the storm with the aid of a battery operated headlamp and evacuated the first, most critical patient from NYU Hospital that night.

An enthusiastic supporter of Every Mother Counts, Dr. Flagg recently joined the EMC founder’s circle in a medical advisory role.

Dr. Flagg ran her first half marathon with EMC in Tanzania 2015 and in 3 additional half marathons since. On an EMC trip to Haiti in 2013, Dr. Flagg presented an update on Preeclampsia, the leading cause of maternal mortality in Haiti and the United States, at the Hospital Universities de Mirebalais.

She also serves as the Assistant Chair of the research committee for the HL Snyder Medical Foundation. This research foundation started by her grandfather, Dr. Cecil Dawson Snyder, funds medical researchers at Dana Farber in Boston, Stanford University, the University of Kansas and Kansas State University.

Dr. Flagg lives in downtown New York City with her husband, Chris and two children, Emmeline and Elliot.
Heidi Flagg, MD